February 23, 2023
7 steps to test your cloud environments, services & data
We recently hosted a webinar with a panel of experts from Secure Impact and SANS EMEA, and have summarised their top tips into a checklist for you and your team.

“I see cloud security as a sort of Swiss army knife – it has a plethora of capabilities, and, used correctly, it can give you greater visibility over your environment and the flexibility to build up your security maturity in a way that is bespoke to your business. However, it is a powerful tool and needs to be treated with respect. Without the correct expertise and underlying work it is very easy for things to go wrong.” James Lyne // Secure Impact

As part of our webinar co-hosted with SANS, our panel of experts put together the top 7 steps you can take today to better test and secure your cloud environments, services & data.

Please download the flyer to share with your security team, and you can also watch the full webinar recording on demand now.

Download your cloud strategy checklist.

Whether you are just starting out on your cloud transformation journey, or would value an expert sounding board to review or test your current cloud security strategy, please get in touch.

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